

Chinese products empower themselves, Hongdou 0-Feel Comfortable Shirts hot sell 800,000 pieces

Published in: 2023-10-06

"In unity, there is strength; confidence surpasses gold." On the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1st, Hongdou’s team worked hard to promote consumption and advance high-quality development through practical actions. The new generation of comfortable shirts, " Hongdou 0-Feel Comfortable Shirt," has once again achieved success, with cumulative sales exceeding 800,000 pieces! It proudly holds the title of the fastest-selling single item in the history of Hongdou Menswear. The emergence of the Hongdou 0-Feel Comfortable Shirt meets the upgraded demand for "comfort" from consumers.


According to the store manager of Hongdou Comfortable Menswear, "The 0-Feel Comfortable Shirt is currently the most popular and best-selling item in the store, with over 50% of customers aged 35 and below. With a high purchase rate and many repeat customers, the product's excellent quality, celebrity endorsements, and international awards have led to spontaneous inquiries from customers who have seen the advertisements and are highly satisfied after trying on the shirts." 

The appearance of this explosive product is by no means accidental. Good products are the result of long-term accumulation and are inseparable from the brand's genes. Since its founding, Hongdou Comfortable Menswear has been deeply rooted in the field of comfortable menswear. In 66 years of exploration, Hongdou Comfortable Menswear has accumulated 128 comfort patents in terms of patterns, fabrics, techniques, and design and has gathered data from three million Asian male bodies.


As a Chinese national brand with 66 years of heritage, Hongdou Menswear has been honoured with the title of "Pioneer in the Comfortable Menswear Track" by the China National Garment Association, rightfully becoming a leader in Chinese fashion. It has created a new generation of comfortable shirts that lead the industry. The term "comfort" is significant in the apparel industry, especially in the menswear sector. Research by professional institutions indicates that 30% of consumers prefer comfort when purchasing menswear, and it is estimated that by 2025, the purchasing power of comfortable clothing will reach 350 billion yuan. With Hongdou Comfortable Menswear successfully entering the fashion scenes in France, the UK, Italy, and especially at London Fashion Week, where new comfortable series products such as the Hongdou 0-Feel Comfortable Shirt and Hongdou Comfortable Goose Down Jacket were unveiled, Hongdou has radiated a brilliant light as a shining national brand. 

Using the 0-Feel Comfortable Shirt as a starting point, Hongdou is committed to setting a new benchmark for comfortable shirts, seizing the market recovery opportunities, and accelerating the high-end transformation and upgrading of Chinese fashion brands. The Chinese product " Hongdou" allows more people to wear luxurious, comfortable menswear.


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