

Haijiang Zhou of HOdo Group was elected president of the China Chamber of International Cooperation for Private Economy

Published in: 2022-06-26

On June 25, the third General meeting of the China Chamber of International Cooperation for Private Economy was held in Beijing. All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce full-time Vice President Qiu Xiaoping attended the meeting and spoke. Members of the third Council and Board of Supervisors of the China Chamber of International Private Economic Cooperation were elected at the conference. Haijiang Zhou, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hongdou Group, was elected as the Chamber's new president and delivered an inaugural report.


Haijiang Zhou said that the Chamber would continue to take high standards, sustainability and people's livelihood as the goal and promote private enterprises to actively participate in constructing "The Belt and Road." Meanwhile, he also said they would solid boost private enterprises to "go global" with high quality and constantly enhance the influence, centripetal force and cohesion of the Chamber in the international cooperation of private economy. With the new leadership, the Chamber of Commerce will need to adapt to the new era and promote the entrepreneurial spirit to participate in international cooperation in the future.

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