

The 21st anniversary of HOdo's Listing (2022 New Year Concert of HOdo Group) Was Held

Published in: 2022-01-09

On January 8, "Report to the New Year, " " HOdo shares listed on the 21st anniversary of HOdo Group in 2022 New Year concert was held. This was not the same as in the past. This year, the Group especially created an online New Year concert for everybody, performed by Wuxi national and HOdo orchestras. We welcome a promising 2022 with beautiful music and Hong Fan through online broadcasting.



Mr. Haijiang Zhou, the chairman of the board of directors of HOdo Group, expressed his gratitude to the leaders from all walks of life who have supported and cared about the development of HOdo in the past year. All HOdo people who have made efforts for the development of HOdo Group in the past year and extended his New Year wishes to all netizens and Hong Fan. He also said that in 2021, HOdo Group continues to maintain healthy and steady development, showing strong resilience and innovation momentum, so we are more confident of meeting the challenges in 2022. 2022 is a "three-autonomy six years increase" Group. We will continue to promote the "San Zi Liu Hua," which focuses on independent innovation, independent brand, independent capital, speed up the intelligent, greening, online, high-end, internationalization, securitization "six" construction. Vigorously promotes the implementation and stormed the market, the mass transfer efficiency, increase sales, increase profits, and increase market value.


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