

Prime Minister Hun Sen and Zhou Haijiang and other Chinese entrepreneurs have round-table dialogues

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On September 11, the Roundtable Dialogue between the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Prince Hun Sen and the Chinese Enterprise CEO were held in Nanning, which is under the framework of the 15th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit. Zhou Haijiang, Chairman and CEO of HOdo Group, attended the meeting and had a cordial dialogue with Prime Minister Hun Sen as a one-on-one guest. Hun Sen highly praised the development of the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, which was led by HOdo Group. He also said that Cambodia has huge investment potential and expects more and more Chinese investors to cooperate with Cambodia.


It is understood that the round-table dialogue between ASEAN leaders and Chinese CEOs which is under the frame of the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, has been successfully held 10 times since it was first held in 2009. A number of major cooperation projects have been reached between China and ASEAN countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Brunei.

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