

Zhou Haijiang attended the 2018 APEC Business Leaders China Forum

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On July 7, Zhou Haijiang, vice president of China Chamber of Commerce, vice chairman of APEC China Business Council, Board Chairman and CEO of HOdo Group, attended the 2018 APEC Business Leaders China Forum in Beijing. He held a special session, and delivered a keynote speech entitled “Building a Three-Self Enterprise and Realizing a Win-Win Situation”, sharing the experience of Hodo in independent innovation, independent brand and independent capital construction. He took Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone of Cambodia as an example, illustrated the “eight-party win-win” concept during HOdo exploration practice.

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Zhou Haijiang said, the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put the development of the real economy at an important position and also put the supply-side structural reform as the main direction. Our enterprises need to fully grasp the state's policies to encourage economic transformation and upgrading, increase supply-side reforms, accelerate the creation of “three-self” (independent innovation, independent brands, and independent capital) enterprises, and seek development momentum in the “three-self”. Zhou Haijiang also proposed the concept of “Eight-Party and Win-Win” for HOdo: Enterprises should strive to achieve win-win results with shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, partners, governments, the environment, and society (community).

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