

Zhou Haijiang gets in vice president of China Non-governmental Chamber of Commerce

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HOdo’s board chairman Zhou Haijiang got in the vice president of China Non-governmental Chamber of Commerce after his one-year term as vice chairman for All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce expired.

A growing number of private businesses have come to realize the importance of Party building, which can strengthen communications between employees and improve productivity.

The Hodo Group in Wuxi, in the eastern province of Jiangsu, is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. According to Zhou Haijiang, the CEO, the garment manufacturer has closely followed the CPC's policies during its six decades, helping it to grow from a small workshop to an industry leader with annual sales revenue of 3 billion yuan ($456 million).

As Zhou explained, private companies usually meet three major challenges: misjudging opportunity in the market, insufficient supply of talent and loose bonding between employees.

"Party building is the most effective way of addressing these challenges," he said.

For private businesses, the Party's latest policies offer the biggest opportunities, he added, with the best example being the reform and opening-up policies which helped the company's owners to innovate.

"Party building activities will help to develop an advanced corporate culture and so the employees will be nurtured. In this way, companies need not worry so much about the shortage of talent," he said.

According to Zhou, Party building activities help private companies to realize their corporate social responsibilities.

"The companies' relationships with the government, society, shareholders, employees, partners, and customers will become smoother as a result of Party building activities. Plus the bonds between the employees will have also become closer," he said.

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