

Zhou Haijiang: Xi’s report gives us confidence and responsibility

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“I’m proud and excited after President Xi delivered the report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,” said Zhou Haijiang, deputy to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (NCCPC) and HOdo’s Board Chairman in interviews.

“The NCCPC report brought me confidence and responsibility,” Zhou told reporters.

In terms of responsibility, Zhou put forward three responsibilities that private entrepreneurs should take, that is, political responsibility, development responsibility and social responsibility.

In Zhou’s opinion, entrepreneurs should follow state policies, which are enterprises’ guiding lights, and have full confidence in the future of the country.

Under the new normal of economic development, enterprises are confronted with new challenges, so it is a good time for enterprises to give full play their abilities.

Meanwhile, “an enterprise should undertake social responsibility to repay society,” Zhou Haijiang said. HOdo insists that enterprises can exploit opportunities in state policies; therefore, it follows state policies throughout.

Xi’s report repeatedly brought up the Belt and Road Initiatives. Zhou said HOdo will strive to develop the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, Cambodia into a model along the Belt and Road.

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