

Zhou Haijiang: entrepreneurs should assume three responsibilities

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All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce held a symposium on Sept 28 in Beijing. Private entrepreneurs, including HOdo board chairman and CEO Zhou Haijiang, Transfer board chairman Xu Guanju and Geely board chairman Li Shufu attended the event.

Conventioneers studied the newly issued opinion around private entrepreneurs by the State Council.

Zhou said the opinion is an epoch-making document. It recognizes entrepreneurial spirit at first and will greatly invigorate private entrepreneurs’ entrepreneurial enthusiasm; therefore, the document is worth one million yuan at least.

Accordingly, Zhou put forward three responsibilities that private entrepreneurs should take, that is, political responsibility, development responsibility and social responsibility.


In Zhou’s opinion, entrepreneurs should follow state policies, which are enterprises’ guiding lights, and have full confidence in the future of the country.

Under the new normal of economic development, enterprises are confronted with new challenges, so it is a good time for enterprises to give full play their abilities.

Meanwhile, “an enterprise should undertake social responsibility to repay society,” Zhou Haijiang said.

In 1998, HOdo donated clothes worth of over two million yuan to the flood-disaster-affected provinces; in 2005, HOdo donated 236,000 yuan to the orphans of 76 Red Army veterans in Muxiang village, Bazhong city, Sichuan province; in 2007, HOdo donated money and goods, total worth of six million yuan, to the Wuxi Gangxia Middle School, Wuxi Huairen Middle School, Wuxi Cultural Heritage Conservation Foundation and Yushu, Qinghai.

After the massive earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan province in 2008, HOdo donated money and goods, total worth of over 6.6 million yuan, and trained local workers in sewing; in 2010, HOdo donated money and goods, total worth of 4.05 million yuan, to the quake-stricken Yushu, Qinghai province. In the meantime, it donated one million yuan to Wenchuan Qiyi Yingxiu Middle School, Dujiangyan Qiyi Juyuan Middle School, Beichuan Qiyi Vocational Middle School, respectively, to establish HOdo Scholarships; in 2013, HOdo donated money and goods, total worth of 6.14 million yuan, to the quake-stricken Ya'an, Sichuan province.

In 2009 and 2014, HOdo donated 15 million yuan to the China Foundation for Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment; in 2012, HOdo donated 700,000 yuan to Jiangsu Charity Association and 1.5 million yuan to Xishan Charity Association.

In 2014, HOdo, together with Tencent Foundation, donated children’s thermal underwears to Dacaotan Primary School in Zhangxian county, Gansu province. On August 12, it donated 2.5 million yuan to support the development of south Xinjiang on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the China Guangcai Program.

In 2015, Wuxi Yaoting Charity Foundation was established with the donation of 10 million yuan, contributed by Zhou Yaoting and Zhou Haijiang. In April, it distributed 100,000 yuan to 12 centenarians each in Donggang town. In April 2016, Wuxi Yaoting Charity Foundation distributed money to local seven centenarians; in September, Zhou Yaoting and Zhou Haijiang donated another 10 million yuan to Wuxi Yaoting Charity Foundation; this April, Wuxi Yaoting Charity Foundation distributed 100,000 yuan to the local eight centenarians each.

This May, Zhou Haijiang donated 20 million yuan to found Wuxi HOdo Care Foundation for Senior Party Members.

In addition, HOdo sticks to the concept of all-win among shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, partners, governments, environment and the society and complementing each other's advantages.

At his end of the lecture, Zhou said enterprises should reciprocate the society and the country with better performance.

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