Zhou Haijiang: an enterprise should be employers’ paradise
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Wuxi-based HOdo Group won the “May Day Labor Prize in Jiangsu” this year, according to Jiangsu Federation of Trade Unions.
HOdo holds two innovation activities every year, respectively in March and September, to collect rationalization proposals, in order to arouse employers’ enthusiasm. For example, it received 13,306 advices during this March, among which 2,245 were adopted.
Zhou Haijiang, Board Chairman of HOdo, attaches particular importance to technical research and development. To this day the Group has obtained nearly 3,000 patents.
Of course, the Group shares fruits with employers together, to improve their livelihood, give them great hope for work and release emotions. For example, it gives out post on grounds of personal ability rather than personal favour.
Meanwhile, Zhou Haijiang also put forward the concept of “all-win of shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, partners, governments, environment and the society” to share HOdo’s achievements.
To guarantee HOdo’s sound development, Zhou raised an enterprise system with HOdo’s characteristics, that is, “modern enterprise system + Party building + social responsibility”.
HOdo has spared no effort to fulfill its social responsibilities, including donating over 300 million yuan and founding three non-profit foundations.